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  * David Bremner: [*A topgit
    [*So your topgit patch was merged
  * Pete Hopkins: [*topgit Means Never Having to Wait for
  * Christoph Egger: [*Git repository's and

We're using this for some packages, where we're maintaining long-lived
development branches, for example
[[source_repositories/glibc]].  The latter one has usage examples, too.

# Running it on GNU/Hurd

Nothing special to that, technically, *only* that our [[I/O system's (non-)
performance|community/gsoc/project_ideas/disk_io_performance]] will render this
slow for anything but simple test cases.  So don't try to run it on the [[GCC]]
or [[glibc]] repositories.  Talk to [[tschwinge]] about how he's using it on a
GNU/Linux machine and push the resulting trees to GNU/Hurd systems.