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The following [[!iki ikiwiki/directive/tag desc=tags]] are actively used at the

pages="tag/* and !tag/*/*"

Most of them should be self-explanatory, and for the others, here are the

  * *bounty*


  * *fixed_in_debian*


  * *open_issue_documentation*

  * *open_issue_porting*


  * *stable_URL*


[[!ymlfront data="""


  There is a *bounty* put on these issues!  Typically, these are handled via
  [[FOSS Factory|donate#FOSS_Factory]].


  This tag is used to tag items that have been fixed in the [[Debian
  GNU/Hurd|hurd/running/debian]] distribution, but not yet in the upstream


  Used for tagging pages / items that need to be handled / improved for
  documentation purposes.


  A list of open issues in porting software to run on GNU/Hurd systems.  This
  list also includes [[toolchain]]-level items, items that are either already
  solved in [[Debian GNU/Hurd|hurd/running/debian]] systems (tagged
  *fixed_in_debian*) or being worked around, so if you're out for working on
  application-level porting issues, then perusing through the list of [[Debian
  packages that need porting|hurd/running/debian/porting]] may be better.


  These pages are tagged as having a *stable URL*.  That is, they're linked to
  from external pages, and their locations should not be changed needlessly.
