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# IRC, unknown channel, unknown date

    <tschwinge> scolobb: In wiki edit 60accafa79f645ae61b578403f7fc0c11914b725
      I see that you intend(ed) to use syslog for logging debug messages.  I
      thought I'd point you to
      http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/bug-hurd/2007-02/msg00042.html -- no
      idea if that's still an issue or what went wrong at that time.  Perhaps
      you can have a look?
    <scolobb> tschwinge: Thanks for information! Currently I'm logging some
      debug messages to a simple file, but I'll now check whether the issue
      you've pointed out is still present.
    <scolobb> tschwinge: I am getting absolutely abnormal results: when I call
      syslog() from a simple C program for the first time, the message goes to
      the system log. However, any further calls to syslog() do just
      nothing... I am able to send something to syslog only after reboot (it
      doesn't help if I restart syslogd).

# IRC, freenode, #hurd, 2011-08-08

    < pinotree> wow, `logger` + a simple C udp server can cause havoc
    < pinotree> youpi: ever seen something like
      http://paste.debian.net/hidden/72cf4b77/ ?
    < pinotree> and then also other servers (like pflocal, pfinet, few more)
      start becoming crazy (using 100% cpu)
    < youpi> nope
    < pinotree> iirc in one of the few tries i got the message "Resource lost."
      from the closed ssh connection
    < pinotree> i was trying to see why syslog doesn't work, but this basically
      surprised me...
    < pinotree> oh, i found an apparently working syslog daemon
    < pinotree> dsyslog
    < gg0> have you tried syslog-ng? IIRC it writes in /var/log/messages by
    < pinotree> yeah, it seems to stop receiving messages are few
    < pinotree> gg0: are you using syslog-ng?
    < gg0> pinotree: I should fire hurd vm up. I seem I kept dirty-patched
      busybox syslog, I don't even know if it works, at least it starts
    < pinotree> maintainer said "not really"
    < gg0> well, if all other syslogs use shm and sems, they won't work too,
    < youpi> shm should work with the latest libc
    < youpi> what won't is sysv sem
    < youpi> (i.e. semget)

IRC, OFTC, #debian-hurd, 2011-11-02:

    * pinotree sighs at #645790 :/
    <tschwinge> pinotree: W.r.t. 645790 -- yeah, ``someone'' should finally
      figure out what's going on with syslog.
    <tschwinge> pinotree: And this...
    <pinotree> tschwinge: i did that 20 invocations tests recently, and
      basically none of them has been logged
    <pinotree> tschwinge: when i started playing with logger more, as result i
      had some server that started taking all the cpu, followed by other
      servers and in the end my ssh connection were dropped and i had nothing
      to do (not even login from console)
    <tschwinge> pinotree: Sounds like ``fun''.  Hopefully we can manage to
      understand (and fix the underlying issue) why a simple syslog()
      invocation can make the whole system instable.
    <pinotree> tschwinge: to be honest, i got havoc in the system when i told
      syslog to manually look for /dev/log (-u /dev/log), possibly alao when
      telling to use a datagram socket (-d)
    <pinotree> but even if a normal syslog() invocation does not cause havoc,
      there's still the "lost messages" issue
    <tschwinge> Yep.  What I've been doing ever since, is deinstall all
      *syslog* packages.
    <tschwinge> This ``fixed'' all syslog() hangs.

# IRC, freenode, #hurd, 2012-03-28

    <braunr> i can see lots of CRON processes hanging around
    <braunr> pinotree: crontab -l was hanging too when trying to quickly see
      what went wrong
    <braunr> so it may be an unreleased lock of some kind
    <antrik> braunr: do you have syslog installed by any chance?...
    <antrik> IIRC that bug has never been fixed :-(
    <braunr> yes syslogd is running
    <antrik> that's probably the culprit then
    <braunr> ok
    <braunr> i'll just disable it for now then
    <antrik> the error has existed for years
    <antrik> was similar for me though: for a long time I have been hearing
      about this issue, and only suddenly I started experiencing it myself...
    <antrik> it depends on how many things are actually logged. IIRC the hang
      happens when some client sends 128 messages to syslog or something like

# IRC, freenode, #hurd, 2013-02-09

    <pinotree> tschwinge: looks like now you could disable syslog no
    <pinotree> ... more
    <tschwinge> It that working now?
    <pinotree> should be yes, samuel fixed its issue many months ago