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# IRC, freenode, #hurd, 2014-02-21

    <teythoon> grml... migs support for variable-length c strings is broken :(
    <braunr> completely ..
    <teythoon> no one told me :p
    <braunr> noone dares
    <teythoon> to tell me ?
    <braunr> or anyone else ;p
    <teythoon> ^^
    <teythoon> root@debian:~# pkill mtab
    <teythoon> task /hurd/procfs(19) �O�  deallocating an invalid port 1049744,
      most probably a bug.
    <braunr> :)
    <teythoon> it's still an improvement >,<
    <teythoon> uh the joys...
    <teythoon> gnu machs mig_strncpy behaves differently from glibcs
    <teythoon> the mach version always 0-terminates the target string, the libc
      variant does not
    <teythoon> which one should i "fix" ?
    <braunr> strncpy should behave like strncpy
    <teythoon> not according to the documentation in gnumach...
    <braunr> people who know it expect it not to always null terminate
    <braunr> you can either fix mig_strncpy, or call it mig_strlcpy