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# IRC, OFTC, #debian-hurd, 2012-04-23

    <pinotree> diffing the octave i386 vs hurd-i386 build logs gives
      interesting surprises
    <youpi>   checking whether this system has an arbitrary file name length
      limit... no              |  checking whether this system has an arbitrary
      file name length limit... yes
    <youpi> ?
    <pinotree> not only that
    <youpi>   checking whether getcwd handles long file names properly... yes
      |  checking whether getcwd handles long file names properly... no, but it
      is partly worki+
    <youpi> ?
    <pinotree> -checking whether fdopendir works... yes
    <pinotree> +checking whether fdopendir works... no
    <pinotree> (- is i386, + is hurd-i386)
    <pinotree> -checking whether getlogin_r works with small buffers... yes
    <pinotree> +checking whether getlogin_r works with small buffers... no
    <pinotree> -checking for working mkstemp... yes
    <pinotree> +checking for working mkstemp... no
    <pinotree> +checking for working nanosleep... no (mishandles large