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# additional packages


# SSH Daemon


    Port 2250

# Git Daemon


    # runit doesn't work yet...
    LC_ALL=C date >> /var/log/git-daemon
    git daemon --verbose --user-path >> /var/log/git-daemon 2>&1 &

Should [[fix runit|open issues/runit]] and use Debian's `git-daemon-run`
package instead.

# *polipo*


    # local begin

    # TODO: "::0" doesn't work, at least not with a a PF_INET6 translator.
    proxyAddress = ""

    # Size to which on-disk objects are truncated.
    #diskCacheTruncateSize integer 1048576
    # Time after which on-disk objects are truncated.
    #diskCacheTruncateTime time 4d12h
    diskCacheTruncateTime = 50d
    # Time after which on-disk objects are removed.
    #diskCacheUnlinkTime = 32d
    diskCacheUnlinkTime = 100d

    # local end