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[[!meta title="Public Hurd Boxen"]]

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The GNU/Hurd boxes are only available for people who have
already shown some level of involvement in the project. If you simply want to
try the Hurd, the easiest way is running it in a virtual machine.

An alternative to online shell access may be using a [[QEMU

[[!table class="table_style_1" data="""
"Hoster","Name","Distribution","Machine Specs","Comments"
[//]: # ("[[bddebian]]","blubber","Debian GNU/Hurd","Celeron 2.2 GHz; 222 MiB","Xen domU on [[zenhost]]; for experimental stuff; deactivated until needed again (apart from [[tschwinge]], only [[scolobb]] has an account, but is not active at the moment)")
[//]: # ("[[bddebian]]","clubber","Debian GNU/Hurd","PIII 1 GHz; 384 MiB")
[//]: # ("[[bddebian]]","flubber","Debian GNU/Hurd","Celeron 2.2 GHz; 666 MiB","Xen domU on [[zenhost]]")
[//]: # ("[[bddebian]]","snubber","Debian GNU/Hurd","Celeron 2.2 GHz; 243 MiB","Xen domU on [[zenhost]]")
[//]: # ("[[bddebian]]","gnubber","Debian GNU/Hurd","PII 733 MHz; 384 MiB")
[//]: # ("[[bddebian]]","goober","Debian GNU/Hurd","?")
[//]: # ("[[bddebian]]","grubber","Debian GNU/Hurd","Celeron 2.2 GHz; 554 MiB","Xen domU on [[zenhost]]; for experimental stuff")
[//]: # ("[[bddebian]]","[[zenhost]]","Debian GNU/Linux","Celeron 2.2 GHz","Xen dom0 for several hosts")
"[[sceen]]","darnassus","Debian GNU/Hurd","Xeon E5-1620 3.6 GHz, 1.8 GiB","KVM guest on dalaran; public Hurd box; [web server](http://darnassus.sceen.net/)"
"[[sceen]]","ironforge","Debian GNU/Hurd","Xeon E5-1620 3.6 GHz, 1.8 GiB","KVM guest on dalaran; Debian buildd only, no public access"
"[[sceen]]","exodar","Debian GNU/Hurd","Xeon E5-1620 3.6 GHz, 1.8 GiB","KVM guest on dalaran; Debian porterbox, all Debian Developers have access"
"[[sceen]]","dalaran","Debian GNU/Linux","Xeon E5-1620 3.6 GHz, 64 GiB ECC","KVM host"
[//]: # ("Debian","strauss","Debian GNU/Hurd","Sempron 2800+","all Debian Developers have access")
"[libav](http://www.libav.org/)","[x86_32-hurd-gcc-4.7](http://fate.libav.org/x86_32-hurd-gcc-4.7)","Debian GNU/Hurd","","libav instance of the [FATE Automated Test Environment](http://www.libav.org/fate.html)"

If you are a Debian Developer, you can log into the exodar.debian.net machine
with your DD account, your public ssh keys are already there. Debian maintainers
can also request an account.