Here are some Hurd boxes that users have made available to the public: [[table class="table_style_1" data=""" "Host Name","Operator","Access","Distro","Machine Specs","Comments" "","Barry de Freese (bddebian)","ssh; port 2250","Debian","PII 550 MHz; 384 MiB" "","Barry de Freese (bddebian)","ssh; port 2251","Debian","PIII 1 GHz; 384 MiB" "","Barry de Freese (bddebian)","ssh; port 2254","Debian","PII 733 MHz; 384 MiB" "","Alastair Poole (AlastairPoole)","ssh; port 24","GNU","AMD Sempron 2800 MHz","not sure if this machine is still alive" """]] To request an account on the `*` machines either contact *bddebian* or *tschwinge* (other people might also be able to help) in [[IRC]] or send email to . Also use these contact addresses for requesting support with respect to software installations, etc. For the `` host, please see . To be able to use just `ssh [machine]`, you should append your public SSH key to `~/.ssh/authorized_keys` on the remote machine. And if you don't want to worry about the machines's IP addresses changing (due to dial-up connection) or the host keys changing every now and then (when the machines are re-installed), put something like the following into `~/.ssh/config` of the machine you connect from: Host clubber HostName Port 2251 Host flubber HostName Port 2250 Host gnubber HostName Port 2254 Host * clubber flubber gnubber CheckHostIP no UserKnownHostsFile /dev/null StrictHostKeyChecking no User [username]