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[[!tag open_issue_porting]]

The *prelink* package, as distributed via Debian unstable, does build on
GNU/Hurd.  After installing the satisfiable dependencies, use
`dpkg-buildpackage -b -uc -d` to ignore SELinux and libc6-dev dependencies.

It is unclear whether it also does work.  The testsuite (run manually) does
*FAIL* on all tests, which is due to the prelinker doing something to the
copied `ld.so.1` so that it faults on every invocation.  This does not happen
on GNU/Linux.

Not much in the prelinker is Linux-specific.  `src/get.c`'s `is_ldso_soname`
should already cover our `ld.so.1` case (and what about `ld.so`?).  At the end
of `src/arch-i386.c`, `.dynamic_linker` has to be set properly.  And, in that
file there are some Linux process VM constants, of which `REG2S` and `REG2E`
are the only relevant in the `!exec_shield` case.  Probably these need to be
adjusted.  What else?