[[!meta copyright="Copyright © 2011 Free Software Foundation, Inc."]] [[!meta license="""[[!toggle id="license" text="GFDL 1.2+"]][[!toggleable id="license" text="Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.2 or any later version published by the Free Software Foundation; with no Invariant Sections, no Front-Cover Texts, and no Back-Cover Texts. A copy of the license is included in the section entitled [[GNU Free Documentation License|/fdl]]."]]"""]] IRC, freenode, #hurd, 2011-09-02: what's the usual throughput for I/O operations (like "dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/null") in one of those Xen based Hurd machines (*bber)? good question slpz: but don't use /dev/zero and /dev/null, as they don't have anything to do with true I/O operations braunr: in fact, I want to test the performance of IPC's virtual copy operations ok braunr: sorry, the "I/O" was misleading use bs=4096 then i guess bs > 2k ? braunr: everything about 2k is copied by vm_map_copyin/copyout s/about/above/ braunr: MiG's stubs check for that value and generate complex (with out_of_line memory) messages if datalen is above 2k, IIRC ok slpz: found it, thanks tschwinge@strauss:~ $ dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/null bs=4k & p=$! && sleep 10 && kill -s INFO $p && sleep 1 && kill $p [1] 13469 17091+0 records in 17090+0 records out 70000640 bytes (70 MB) copied, 17.1436 s, 4.1 MB/s Note, however 10 s vs. 17 s! And this is slow compared to heal hardware: thomas@coulomb:~ $ dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/null bs=4k & p=$! && sleep 10 && kill -s INFO $p && sleep 1 && kill $p [1] 28290 93611+0 records in 93610+0 records out 383426560 bytes (383 MB) copied, 9.99 s, 38.4 MB/s tschwinge: is the first result on xen vm ? I think so. :/ tschwinge: Thanks! Could you please try with a higher block size, something like 128k or 256k? strauss is on a machine that also hosts a buildd, I think. oh ok yes, aside either rossini or mozart And I can confirm that with dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/null bs=4k running, a parallel sleep 10 takes about 20 s (on strauss). [[open_issues/time]] slpz: i'll set up xen hosts soon and can try those tests while nothing else runs to have more accurate results tschwinge@strauss:~ $ dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/null bs=256k & p=$! && sleep 10 && kill -s INFO $p && sleep 1 && kill $p [1] 13482 4566+0 records in 4565+0 records out 1196687360 bytes (1.2 GB) copied, 13.6751 s, 87.5 MB/s slpz: gains are logarithmic beyond the page size thomas@coulomb:~ $ dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/null bs=256k & p=$! && sleep 10 && kill -s INFO $p && sleep 1 && kill $p [1] 28295 6335+0 records in 6334+0 records out 1660420096 bytes (1.7 GB) copied, 9.99 s, 166 MB/s This time a the sleep 10 decided to take 13.6 s. ``Interesting.'' tschwinge: Thanks again. The results for the Xen machine are not bad though. I can't obtain a throughput over 50MB/s with KVM. slpz: Want more data (bs)? Just tell. slpz: i easily get more than that slpz: what buffer size do you use ? tschwinge: no, I just wanted to see if Xen has an upper limit beyond KVM's. Thank you. braunr: I try with different sizes until I find the maximum throughput for a certain amount of requests (count) braunr: are you working with KVM? yes slpz: my processor is a model name : Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU E7500 @ 2.93GHz Linux silvermoon 2.6.32-5-amd64 #1 SMP Tue Jun 14 09:42:28 UTC 2011 x86_64 GNU/Linux (standard amd64 squeeze kernel) braunr: and KVM's version? squeeze (0.12.5) bbl 212467712 bytes (212 MB) copied, 9.95 s, 21.4 MB/s on kvm for me! gnu_srs: which block size? 4k, and 61.7 MB/s with 256k gnu_srs: could you try with 512k and 1M? 512k: 56.0 MB/s, 1024k: 40.2 MB/s Looks like the peak is around a few 100k gnu_srs: thanks! I've just obtained 1.3GB/s with bs=512k on other (newer) machine on which hw/vm ? I knew this is a cpu-bound test, but I couldn't imagine faster processors could make this difference braunr: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5 CPU 650 @ 3.20GHz braunr: KVM ok how much time did you wait before reading the result ? that was 20x times better than the same test on my Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU T7500 @ 2.20GHz braunr: I've repeated the test with a fixed "count" My box is: Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Quad CPU Q6600 @ 2.40GHz: Max is 67 MB/s around 140k block size yes but how much time did dd run ? 10 s plus/minus a few fractions of a second, try waiting 30s braunr: didn't check, let me try again my kvm peaks at 130 MiB/s with bs 512k / 1M 2029690880 bytes (2.0 GB) copied, 30.02 s, 67.6 MB/s, bs=140k gnu_srs: i'm very surprised with slpz's result of 1.3 GiB/s braunr: over 60 s running, same performance nice i wonder what makes it so fast how much cache ? Me too, I cannot get better values than around 67 MB/s gnu_srs: same questions braunr: 4096KB, same as my laptop slpz: l2 ? l3 ? kvm: cache=writeback, CPU: 4096 KB gnu_srs: this has nothing to do with the qemu option, it's about the cpu braunr: no idea, it's the first time I touch this machine. I going to see if I find the model in processorfinder under my host linux system, i get a similar plot, that is, performance drops beyond bs=1M braunr: OK, bu I gave you the cache size too, same as slpz. i wonder what dd actually does read() and writes i guess braunr: read/write repeatedly, nothing fancy slpz: i don't think it's a good test for virtual copy io_read_request, vm_deallocate, io_write_request, right slpz: i really wonder what it is about i5 that improves speed so much braunr: me too braunr: L2: 2x256KB, L3: 4MB and something calling "SmartCache" slpz: where did you find these values? gnu_srs: ark.intel.com and wikipedia aha, cpuinfo just gives cache size. that "SmartCache" thing seems to be just L2 cache sharing between cores. Shouldn't make a different since we're using only one core, and I don't see KVM hooping between them. with bs=256k: 7004487680 bytes (7.0 GB) copied, 10 s, 700 MB/s (qemu/kvm, 3 * Intel(R) Xeon(R) E5504 2GHz, cache size 4096 KB) manuel: did you try with 512k/1M? bs=512k: 7730626560 bytes (7.7 GB) copied, 10 s, 773 MB/s bs=1M: 7896825856 bytes (7.9 GB) copied, 10 s, 790 MB/s manuel: those are pretty good numbers too xeon processor lshw gave me: L1 Cache 256KiB, L2 cache 4MiB sincerely, I've never seen Hurd running this fast. Just checked "uname -a" to make sure I didn't take the wrong image :-) for bs=256k, 60s: 40582250496 bytes (41 GB) copied, 60 s, 676 MB/s slpz: i think you can assume processor differences alter raw copies too much to get any valuable results about virtual copy operations you need a specialized test program and bs=512k, 60s, 753 MB/s braunr: I'm using the mach_perf suite from OSFMach to do the "serious" testing. I just wanted a non-synthetic test to confirm the readings. [[!taglink open_issue_gnumach]] -- have a look at *mach_perf*. manuel: how much cache ? 2M ? slpz: ok manuel: hmno, more i guess braunr: /proc/cpuinfo says cache size : 4096 KB ok manuel: performance should drop beyond bs=2M but that's not relevant anyway Linux: bs=1M, 10.8 GB/s I think this difference is too big to be only due to a bigger amount of CPU cycles... slpz: clearly gnu_srs: your host system has 64 or 32 bits? braunr: I'm going to investigate a bit but this accidental discovery just made my day. We're able to run Hurd at decent speeds on newer hardware! slpz: what result do you get with the same test on your host system ? interestingly, running it several times has made the performance drop quite much (i'm getting 400-500MB/s with 1M now, compared to nearly 800 fifteen minutes ago) [[Degradataion]]. braunr: probably an almost infinite throughput, but I don't consider that a valid test, since in Linux, the write operation to "/dev/null" doesn't involve memory copying/moving manuel: i observed the same behaviour slpz: Host system is 64 bit slpz: it doesn't on the hurd either slpz: (under 2k, that is) over* braunr: humm, you're right, as the null translator doesn't "touch" the memory, CoW rules apply slpz: the only thing which actually copies things around is dd probably by simply calling read() which gets its result from a VM copy operation, but copies the content to the caller provided buffer then vm_deallocate() the data from the storeio (zero) translator if storeio isn't too dumb, it doesn't even touch the transfered buffer (as anonymous vm_map()ped memory is already cleared) [[!taglink open_issue_documentation]] so this is a good test for measuring (profiling?) our ipc overhead and possibly the vm mapping operations (which could partly explain why the results get worse over time) manuel: can you run vminfo | wc -l on your gnumach process ? braunr: Yes, unless some special situation apply, like the source address/offset being unaligned, or if the translator decides to return the result in a different buffer (which I assume is not the case for storeio/zero) braunr: 35 slpz: they can't be unaligned, the vm code asserts that manuel: ok, this is normal braunr: address/offset from read() slpz: the caller provided buffer you mean ? braunr: yes, and the offset of the memory_object, if it's a pager based translator slpz: highly unlikely, the compiler chooses appropriate alignments for such buffers braunr: in those cases, memcpy is used over vm_copy slpz: and the glibc memcpy() optimized versions can usually deal with that slpz: i don't get your point about memory objects slpz: requests on memory objects always have aligned values too braunr: sure, but can't deal with the user requesting non page-aligned sizes slpz: we're considering our dd tests, for which we made sure sizes were page aligned braunr: oh, I was talking in a general sense, not just in this dd tests, sorry by the way, dd on the host tops at 12 GB/s with bs=2M that's consistent with our other results slpz: you mean, even on your i5 processor with 1.3 GiB/s on your hurd kvm ? braunr: yes, on the GNU/Linux which is running as host slpz: well that's not consistent braunr: consistent with what? slpz: i get roughly the same result on my host, but ten times less on my hurd kvm slpz: what's your kernel/kvm versions ? 2.6.32-5-amd64 (debian's build) 0.12.5 same here i'm a bit clueless why do i only get 130 MiB/s where you get 1.3 .. ? :) well, on my laptop, where Hurd on KVM tops on 50 MB/s, Linux gets a bit more than 10 GB/s see slpz: reduce bs to 256k and test again if you have time please braunr: on which system? slpz: the fast one (linux host) braunr: Hurd? ok 12 GB/s i get 13.3 same for 128k, only at 64k starts dropping maybe, on linux we're being limited by memory speed, while on Hurd's this test is (much) more CPU-bound? slpz: maybe too bad processor stalls aren't easy to measure braunr: that's very true. It's funny when you read a paper which measures performance by cycles on an old RISC processor. That's almost impossible to do (with reliability) nowadays :-/ I wonder which throughput can achieve Hurd running bare-metal on this machine... both the Xeon and the i5 use cores based on the Nehalem architecture apparently Nehalem is where Intel first introduces nested page tables which pretty much explains the considerably lower overhead of VM magic antrik, what are nested page tables? (sounds like the 4-level page tables we already have on amd64, or 2-level or 3-level on x86 pae) page tables were always 2-level on x86 that's unrelated nested page tables means there is another layer of address translation, so the VMM can do it's own translation and doesn't care what the guest system does => no longer has to intercept all page table manipulations antrik: do you imply it only applies to virtualized systems ? braunr: yes antrik: Good guess. Looks like Intel's EPT are doing the trick by allowing the guest OS deal with its own page faults antrik: next monday, I'll try disabling EPT support in KVM on that machine (the fast one). That should confirm your theory empirically. this also means that there're too many page faults, as we should be doing virtual copies of memory that is not being accessed and looking at how the value of "page faults" in "vmstat" increases, shows that page faults are directly proportional to the number of pages we are asking from the translator I've also tried doing a long read() directly, to be sure that "dd" is not doing something weird, and it shows the same behaviour. slpz: dd does copy buffers slpz: i told you, it's not a good test case for pure virtual copy evaluation antrik: do you know if xen benefits from nested page tables ? no idea [[!taglink open_issue_xen]] braunr: but my small program doesn't, and still provokes a lot of page faults slpz: are you certain it doesn't ? braunr: looking at google, it looks like recent Xen > 3.4 supports EPT ok i'm ordering my new server right now, core i5 :) braunr: at least not explicitily. I need to look at MiG stubs again, I don't remember if they do something weird. braunr: sandybridge or nehalem? :-) antrik: no idea does it tell a model number? not yet but i don't have a choice for that, so i'll order it first, check after hehe I'm not sure it makes all that much difference anyways for a server... unless you are running it at 100% load ;-) antrik: i'm planning on running xen guests suchs as new buildd hm... note though that some of the nehalem-generation i5s were dual-core, while all the new ones are quad it's a quad the newer generation has better performance per GHz and per Watt... but considering that we are rather I/O-limited in most cases, it probably won't make much difference not sure whether there are further virtualisation improvements that could be relevant... buildds spend much time running gcc, so even such improvements should help there, server ordered :) antrik: model name : Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-2400 CPU @ 3.10GHz IRC, freenode, #hurd, 2011-09-06: youpi: what machines are being used for buildd? Do you know if they have EPT/RVI? we use PV Xen there I think Xen could also take advantage of those technologies. Not sure if only in HVM or with PV too. only in HVM in PV it does not make sense: the guest already provides the translated page table which is just faster than anything else