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# IRC, freenode, #hurd, 2012-07-08

    <braunr> youpi: there is still quite a lot of I/O even for cached objects
    <braunr> youpi: i strongly suspect these are for the metadata
    <braunr> i.e. we don't have a "buffer cache", only a file cache
    <braunr> (gnu is really not unix lol)
    <youpi> doesn't ext2fs cache these?
    <youpi> (as long as the corresponding object is cached
    <youpi> )
    <braunr> i didn't look too much, but if it does, it does a bad job
    <braunr> i would guess it does, but possibly only writethrough
    <youpi> iirc it does writeback
    <youpi> there's a sorta "node needs written" flag somewhere iirc
    <braunr> but that's for the files, not the metadata
    <youpi> I mean the metadata of the node
    <braunr> then i have no idea what happens