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[[!tag open_issue_hurd]]

There are locking issues in the Hurd's libraries.


# Original [[community/GSoC]] Task Description

[[!inline pages=community/gsoc/project_ideas/libdiskfs_locking feeds=no]]

# ext2fs Deadlock


# Formal Verification

Methods of [[formal_verification]] should be applied to get an understanding of
the behavior of the locking logic.  There are tools for formal
verification/[[code_analysis]] that can likely help here.

There is a [[!FF_project 278]][[!tag bounty]] on this task.

# IRC, OFTC, #debian-hurd, 2012-12-15

    <Steap> youpi: can you think of a locking error recently fixed in the
      translators ? I'd like to try a Coccinelle script on a real-world example
    <youpi> 0b6286a3c5eb86e3cca72d0840fc009855e4fba5 for instance
    <youpi> or a60414ee7fdabb2bdfb17fe82b9a09f811bd2de0
    <youpi> or b8082aab5049f753abd720a5ef6a113e2acef911
    <Steap> thx, I think I might have caught a few double unlocks, I'll send
      patches/bug reports this week-end

[[!message-id "1355701890-29227-1-git-send-email-tipecaml@gmail.com"]].