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[[!tag open_issue_glibc open_issue_libpthread]]

GSoC project idea: [[community/gsoc/project ideas/pthreads]]


`#hurd`, 2010-01-24

    <pinotree> youpi: hm, thought about the pthread/stubs issue w/ dlopen'ed libraries
    <pinotree> currently looks like libstdc++ on hurd links to pthread-stubs, we're the only one with such configuration
    <pinotree> i was looking at the gcc 4.4 patch hurd-pthread.diff, could it be it does not set THREADLIBS in the configure.ac switch case?
    <youpi> that's expected
    <youpi> on linux the libc provides hooks itself, on hurd-i386 it's pthread-stubs
    <pinotree> why not explicitly link to pthread though?
    <youpi> because there is no strict need to, for applications that don't need libpthread
    <youpi> the dlopen case is a tricky case that pthread-stubs had not thought about
    <pinotree> hm
    <pinotree> what if the pthread stubs would be moved in our glibc?
    <youpi> that's what we should do yes
    <youpi> (ideally)
    <youpi> but for this we need to build libpthread along glibc, to get it really working
    <youpi> and that's the tricky part (Makefile & such) which hasn't been done yet
    <pinotree> why both (stubs + actual libpthread)?
    <youpi> because you need the stubs to be able to call the actual libpthread
    <youpi> as soon libpthread gets dlopened for instance
    <youpi> +as
    <pinotree> i see
    <youpi> (remember that nptl does this if you want to see how)
    <youpi> (it's the libc files in nptl/)
    <youpi> (and forward.c)
    <guillem> also if libpthreads gets integrated with glibc don't we need to switch the hurd from cthreads then? Which has been the blocker all this time AFAIR?
    <youpi> we don't _need_ to
    <guillem> ok