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[[!tag open_issue_glibc open_issue_porting]]

There is a [[!FF_project 274]][[!tag bounty]] on this task.

There are now specialized variants of Debian's libc package, libc0.3-i686 and

On Thu, Oct 07, 2010 at 11:22:46AM +0200, Samuel Thibault wrote:
> Thomas Schwinge, le Thu 07 Oct 2010 10:11:07 +0200, a écrit :
> > Also, this text says ``will be selected instead when running under Xen''
> > -- is this meant to be automatically done?
> It's supposed to be, we need to add support for it.
> > If so, then it didn't work.
> Yes, you need to copy it by hand. Same for libc0.3-i686, we just need to
> steal the cpuid code from the kfreebsd port of glibc.