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[[!tag open_issue_hurd]]

# IRC, freenode, #hurd, 2012-04-26

    <pinotree> i kind of understood why (at least in some parts) largefile doesn't seem to work properly
    <pinotree> libdiskfs/io-seek.c, SEEK_SET case: cred->po->filepointer = offset;
    <pinotree> offset is off_t, which becomes off64_t when compiled with largefile, but filepointer seems to be... int
    <pinotree> at least in libdiskfs/diskfs.h, while in libnetfs/netfs.h seems ok (loff_t)
    <pinotree> diskfs.h is a public header though :/
    <youpi> well, we can change the soname to mark ABI change