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Not the first time that something like this is proposed...

IRC, freenode, #hurd, 2011-07-25

    [failed GNU/Hurd project]
    < antrik> gnu_srs1: I wouldn't say he was on track. just one of the many
      many people who insist on picking a hard task; realizing that indeed it's
      hard; and going into hiding
    < antrik> we see that happen every couple of months
    < cluck> maybe we need a "hurd 101" 
    < cluck> getting a teacher and setting up a regularly held "class" for hurd
    < Tekk_> cluck: what would that include?
    < cluck> explaining core concepts, giving out "homework" (small tasks), etc


    < cluck> that way "the big guys" could focus on the hard stuff and have an
      army of code monkeys at their disposal to write speced stuff
    < cluck> (then again this idea would heavily depend on available "teachers"
      and "students", which, going by gsoc numbers, may not be all that
    < Tekk_> cluck: gsoc isn't an accurate indicator
    < Tekk_> cluck: I'm not allowed to participate in gsoc but I'd join :P
    < antrik> cluck: we don't need code monkeys... we need hackers
    < Tekk_`> antrik: code monkeys involve into hackers
    < Tekk_`> under the right conditions
    < cluck> antrik: jokes aside some sort of triage system/training ground for
      newcomers could be helpful