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[[!meta title="Enable Google Go programming (GCC: gccgo)"]]

[[!tag open_issue_gcc]]

Make the [Google Go programming language](http://golang.org/) available on
GNU/Hurd in its [[GCC]] *gccgo* implementation, and enable Hurd-specific

There is a [[!FF_project 263]][[!tag bounty]] on this task.


# Part I

First, make the language functional, have its test suite pass without errors.

## Original [[community/GSoC]] Task Description

[[!inline pages=community/gsoc/project_ideas/gccgo feeds=no]]


# Part II

Next, Hurd-specific features can be added.  Add an interface to the
language/environment for being able to do [[RPC]] calls, in order to program
[[hurd/translator]]s natively in the Google Go programming language.

## Original [[community/GSoC]] Task Description

[[!inline pages=community/gsoc/project_ideas/language_bindings feeds=no]]