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[[!meta title="GNU Emacs"]]

[[!tag open_issue_porting]]

GNU Emacs mostly does work, however there are a few issues.

  * `dired` on a directory hangs.  (Use `C-g C-g` to break the unresponsive

  * Configuration in `src/s/`: `gnu.h` uses `bsd-common.h`.  `gnu-kfreebsd.h`
    uses `gnu-linux.h` -- we probably should too.

      * `gnu-linux.h` makes a few things depend on `/proc` (also see
        `HAVE_PROCFS`) -- either resort to our own ways, or enhance our
        [[hurd/translator/procfs]] accordingly.

          * `sysdep.c`

  * Got a hang when compiling GNU Emacs 23, when it was compiling `.el` to
    `.elc` files.  Looked like busy-looping inside glibc.  This was not
    reproducible so far.

  * Debian emacs23_23.1+1-2, grubber, (probably) busy-looping in `ext2fs` on
    `/media/data` when resuming emacs23 build in `~/tmp/emacs/emacs23-*/`
    (`dpkg-buildpackage -B -uc -nc 2>&1 | tee L`).  No modifications to
    `emacs23-*` so far, I think.  Hangs always in the same place, it seems, and
    reproducible.  Tarred to `emacs23-23.1+1.tar.bz2` (beware: empty and
    zero-permission files:
    `emacs23-23.1+1/.pc/autofiles.diff/src/config.in~`).  At hang-time: the
    rootfs is fine (`syncfs -c -s /` works; `syncfs` involving `/media/data`
    hangs).  Plan: GDB on that ext2fs, and see what's hanging / locked.  [[!tag