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[[!tag open_issue_hurd]]

Given an `a.out` executable that only does `raise (SIGABRT)`, invoking that

  * ... against `crash-dump-core` will...

      * ... not overwrite existing `core` files.

        Is this reasonable?  Linux does overwrite them, for example.

      * ... show big variances in running-time behavior:

            $ TIMEFORMAT='real %R user %U system %S'
            $ rm -f core; time env CRASHSERVER=/servers/crash-dump-core ./a.out; ls -l core
            Aborted (core dumped)
            real 1.350 user 0.000 system 0.010
            -rw------- 1 tschwinge tschwinge 17031168 Jul  7 21:59 core
            $ rm -f core; time env CRASHSERVER=/servers/crash-dump-core ./a.out; ls -l core
            Aborted (core dumped)
            real 22.771 user 0.000 system 0.010
            -rw------- 1 tschwinge tschwinge 17031168 Jul  7 21:59 core
            $ rm -f core; time env CRASHSERVER=/servers/crash-dump-core ./a.out; ls -l core
            Aborted (core dumped)
            real 1.367 user 0.000 system 0.010
            -rw------- 1 tschwinge tschwinge 17031168 Jul  7 22:00 core
            $ rm -f core; time env CRASHSERVER=/servers/crash-dump-core ./a.out; ls -l core
            Aborted (core dumped)
            real 5.789 user 0.000 system 0.010
            -rw------- 1 tschwinge tschwinge 17031168 Jul  7 22:00 core
            $ rm -f core; time env CRASHSERVER=/servers/crash-dump-core ./a.out; ls -l core
            Aborted (core dumped)
            real 22.664 user 0.010 system 0.000
            -rw------- 1 tschwinge tschwinge 17031168 Jul  7 22:01 core

      * ... produce a huge `core` file:

            $ du -hs core 
            17M     core

        On Linux, the `core` file occupies 76 KiB of disk space, which seems
        much more reasonable. This is possibly related with the default 128MiB
        heap preallocation.

      * ... does not always produce a useful backtrace:


            $ gdb test core
            warning: core file may not match specified executable file.
            [New Thread 86678]
            warning: Wrong size fpregset in core file.
            Core was generated by `./test'.
            Program terminated with signal 6, Aborted.
            warning: Wrong size fpregset in core file.
            (gdb) bt
            #0  0x00000000 in ?? ()
            #1  0x011f593f in __msg_sig_post (process=72, signal=6, sigcode=0, refport=1)
                at /build/buildd-eglibc_2.10.2-7-hurd-i386-iGL6op/eglibc-2.10.2/build-tree/hurd-i386-libc/hurd/RPC_msg_sig_post.c:144
            #2  0x0109a433 in kill_port (pid=<value optimized out>)
                at ../sysdeps/mach/hurd/kill.c:68
            #3  kill_pid (pid=<value optimized out>) at ../sysdeps/mach/hurd/kill.c:105
            #4  0x0109a69f in __kill (pid=21142, sig=6) at ../sysdeps/mach/hurd/kill.c:139
            #5  0x01099af6 in raise (sig=6) at ../sysdeps/posix/raise.c:27
            #6  0x0109de59 in abort () at abort.c:88
            #7  0x0804849f in main ()

        `char *foo = 0; *foo = 1;`

            $ gdb test core
            Program terminated with signal 11, Segmentation fault.
            warning: Wrong size fpregset in core file.
            #0  0x00000000 in ?? ()
            (gdb) bt
            #0  0x00000000 in ?? ()
            #1  0x0108565b in __libc_start_main (main=0x8048464 <main>, argc=1, ubp_av=0x1023e64, 
                init=0x8048490 <__libc_csu_init>, fini=0x8048480 <__libc_csu_fini>, rtld_fini=0xea20 <_dl_fini>, 
                stack_end=0x1023e5c) at libc-start.c:251
            #2  0x080483d1 in _start ()

        `raise (SIGABRT);`

            $ gdb a.out core
            warning: core file may not match specified executable file.
            [New Thread 76651]
            warning: Wrong size fpregset in core file.
            Reading symbols from /lib/libc.so.0.3...[...]
            Core was generated by `./a.out'.
            Program terminated with signal 6, Aborted.
            warning: Wrong size fpregset in core file.
            #0  0x00000000 in ?? ()
            (gdb) bt
            #0  0x00000000 in ?? ()
            Cannot access memory at address 0x17

        [[!tag open_issue_gdb]] Probably [[GDB]] doesn't manage to dig in the stack properly.

  * ... against `crash-suspend` will...

      * ... not work at all:
            $ CRASHSERVER=/servers/crash-suspend ./a.out
            $ [returns to the shell and doesn't suspended]

      * ... show big variances in running-time behavior:
            $ TIMEFORMAT='real %R user %U system %S'
            $ rm -f core; time env CRASHSERVER=/servers/crash-suspend ./a.out; ls -l core
            Aborted (core dumped)
            real 1.381 user 0.000 system 0.010
            -rw------- 1 tschwinge tschwinge 17031168 Jul  7 22:04 core
            $ rm -f core; time env CRASHSERVER=/servers/crash-suspend ./a.out; ls -l core
            Aborted (core dumped)
            real 1.332 user 0.000 system 0.010
            -rw------- 1 tschwinge tschwinge 17031168 Jul  7 22:04 core
            $ rm -f core; time env CRASHSERVER=/servers/crash-suspend ./a.out; ls -l core
            Aborted (core dumped)
            real 21.228 user 0.000 system 0.010
            -rw------- 1 tschwinge tschwinge 17031168 Jul  7 22:04 core
            $ rm -f core; time env CRASHSERVER=/servers/crash-suspend ./a.out; ls -l core
            Aborted (core dumped)
            real 1.323 user 0.000 system 0.010
            -rw------- 1 tschwinge tschwinge 17031168 Jul  7 22:05 core
            $ rm -f core; time env CRASHSERVER=/servers/crash-suspend ./a.out; ls -l core
            Aborted (core dumped)
            real 22.279 user 0.000 system 0.010
            -rw------- 1 tschwinge tschwinge 17031168 Jul  7 22:05 core
            $ rm -f core; time env CRASHSERVER=/servers/crash-suspend ./a.out; ls -l core
            Aborted (core dumped)
            real 1.362 user 0.000 system 0.000
            -rw------- 1 tschwinge tschwinge 17031168 Jul  7 22:08 core
            $ rm -f core; time env CRASHSERVER=/servers/crash-suspend ./a.out; ls -l core
            Aborted (core dumped)
            real 21.110 user 0.000 system 0.000
            -rw------- 1 tschwinge tschwinge 17031168 Jul  7 22:08 core
            $ rm -f core; time env CRASHSERVER=/servers/crash-suspend ./a.out; ls -l core
            Aborted (core dumped)
            real 1.350 user 0.000 system 0.020
            -rw------- 1 tschwinge tschwinge 17031168 Jul  7 22:08 core

      * ... can reliably crash GNU Mach:

        This happens if a `core` file is already present (and won't get
        overwritten; see above).  I reproduced this three times.

            $ TIMEFORMAT='real %R user %U system %S'
            $ time env CRASHSERVER=/servers/crash-suspend ./a.out; ls -l core
            real 2.856 user 0.000 system 0.010
            -rw------- 1 tschwinge tschwinge 17031168 Jul  7 22:08 core

            panic: zalloc: zone kalloc.8192 exhausted
            Kernel Breakpoint trap, eip 0x20020a77
            Stopped at  0x20020a76: int     $3
            db> trace
            Bad frame pointer: 0x2106ba78

            $ addr2line -i -f -e /boot/gnumach-xen 0x20020a76 0x20020a4d 0x2002bca5 0x20022f4c 0x20021e65 0x2005309d