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[[!meta title="adduser: posix_spawn() error=1073741826"]]

[[!tag open_issue_porting]]

`adduser` does work as expected, the following warnings are spurious, they just
appear when one doesn't have the nscd package. They do not appear on linux boxes
because there posix_spawn doesn't report ENOENT for exec(). Posix indeed says
that `if the error occurs after the calling process successfully returns, the
child process shall exit with exit status 127'. The hurd however reports all
errors, thus the warning.

    $ sudo adduser foo
    Adding user `foo' ...
    Adding new group `foo' (1002) ...
    posix_spawn() error=1073741826
    posix_spawn() error=1073741826
    posix_spawn() error=1073741826
    Adding new user `foo' (1002) with group `foo' ...
    posix_spawn() error=1073741826
    posix_spawn() error=1073741826
    posix_spawn() error=1073741826
    posix_spawn() error=1073741826
    Creating home directory `/home/foo' ...
    Copying files from `/etc/skel' ...

Reported at http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=623199