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A quarter of the Hurd, Q1 of 2011: *GSoC*, and *new faces*.
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We're again participating in the [[Google Summer of Code's 2011
edition|community/gsoc]].  If you know someone who knows that her neighbor
would be interested in getting mentored (by us) and paid (by Google) for
working on a [[GNU/Hurd task|community/gsoc/project_ideas]], please hurry up:
the *student application period* will end this Friday, 2011-04-08.

There's further progress to be reported on the package porting front:
additionally to the usual suspects, Svante Signell
actively [started](http://lists.debian.org/debian-hurd/2011/02/msg00021.html)
with [contributing](http://lists.debian.org/debian-hurd/2011/02/msg00036.html)
by [fixing](http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/bug-hurd/2011-03/msg00017.html)
or [porting](http://lists.debian.org/debian-hurd/2011/01/msg00025.html) his
[favorite](http://lists.debian.org/debian-hurd/2011/01/msg00062.html) packages
[to](http://lists.debian.org/debian-hurd/2011/01/msg00051.html) GNU/Hurd.
Welcome, Svante!

Amongst other fixes, Diego Nieto Cid submitted his work for using [XKB's
keymaps for the Hurd
Of course, he was not the only one to contribute fixes; there's always our
bunch of folks who appear every other month, or week, and send in some
contribution.  Also, as we ask our GSoC applicants to submit patches in order
to substantiate their application, we've seen some additional ones due to that.
([[And you can, too.|contributing]])

The Arch Hurd folks published their [Year of Arch Hurd
report](http://www.barrucadu.co.uk/year-of-arch-hurd), wrapping up their
progress, including GHAMP (GNU/Hurd, Apache, MySQL, and PHP), X.org, and their
[Arch Hurd LiveCD](http://www.archhurd.org/gethurd.php#livecd).  We had
published our [[YotH 2010|2010]], too.

Finally we got a nice [recognition (or did they mean...) by
xkcd](http://xkcd.com/844/), *How to Write Good Code*, subtitled *You can
either hang out in the Android Loop or the HURD loop*.  Go figure!  ;-)
