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[[!meta date="2011-04-01 08:30 UTC"]]

[[!meta title="2011-04-01: GNU/Hurd 0.401 is released!"]]

We'd like to pass on these marvelous news from our Release Management
Team, headed by Release Manager Samuel Thibault:

> Hello,
> There are rumors that Duke Nukem Forever will actually be released in
> Apr^WMa^WJune 2011, so there's no escape for the Hurd any more, we had
> to finish and release. There has been considerable progress lately,
> so it is with great pleasure that the Hurd maintainers team decided
> to release *version 0.401 of the GNU/Hurd Operating System*. As the
> version number and image size suggest, this is only a small preview
> of course, but we expect GNU/Hurd to be of production-quality within
> the third millenium, to be sure.
> A *LiveCD demo* is available on
> <http://people.debian.org/~sthibault/hurd-0.401/hurd-0.401.iso>
> and can be trivially tried using
> `qemu -cdrom hurd-0.401.iso`
> We hope that you will appreciate its features and speed.
> Are you interested in contributing to the GNU Hurd project?  Just
> request an shell account on one of our servers and get started.
> <http://www.gnu.org/software/hurd/public_hurd_boxen.html>
> It is also worth noting that like in previous years, GNU/Hurd runs
> for the GSoC program, details can be found on
> <http://www.gnu.org/software/hurd/community/gsoc.html>