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A month of the Hurd: *CD images*.
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Samuel Thibault [*updated the Debian GNU/Hurd installer
ISO*](http://lists.debian.org/debian-hurd/2010/12/msg00001.html), and also
again did his regular batch of bug fixing.

*Arch Hurd is back in action!*, too: they uploaded a [first version of a
graphical live CD](http://www.archhurd.org/news/19/).

Neal Walfield
[reported](http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/l4-hurd/2010-12/msg00001.html) on
the state of his [[microkernel/Viengoos]] kernel / research project, which
unfortunately is currently on hold, due to other commitments.

Olaf Buddenhagen raised an interesting use case: you can use a [[*subhurd* for
debugging the *main* Hurd system|hurd/subhurd#debugging_main_hurd_system]].
That is [[hurd/virtualization]] at its best!

Right before the end of the year, Diego Martin Nieto Cid sent a [patch series
to fix some issues with `make


Happy New Year 2011, everyone!
