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A month of the Hurd: *bug fixing* / *flubber re-installation*.
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A bit of bug fixing has been going on:

Samuel Thibault taught [[GNU Mach|microkernel/mach/gnumach]] that Intel Pentium
4 and Opteron-class CPUs [are not just
i386](http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/commit-hurd/2010-10/msg00021.html), but
in fact a bit more advanced.  Not only does this help GNU Mach to select
optimized code paths, but this information is also propagated to the user
space, and used for the `uname` command, for example.

Pino Toscano continued [fixing bugs in the socket-related glibc code and Hurd's

After finding out that our `pread` implementation does not conform to the POSIX
standard in one aspect, Manuel Menal analyzed this, and [posted a

Alexey Kuznetsov [privided IPv6 raw socket
fixes](http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/commit-hurd/2010-10/msg00028.html) for

Michael Banck [uploaded a new version of
to keep up with recent packaging and dependency changes.

Samuel Thibault uploaded [[hurd/translator/gopherfs]] packages [to the Debian
repository](http://lists.debian.org/debian-hurd/2010/10/msg00018.html).  He
also [enabled IPv6 support for Debian Installer

Thomas Schwinge:

> It's been a really long-long time (hooray!), but now
> [[flubber|public_hurd_boxen]]'s root file system is totally hosed, and thus
> needs to be
> [re-installed](http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/bug-hurd/2010-10/msg00003.html).
> (I've been running `apt-get dist-upgrade` when the box apparently crashed.)
> Running `e2fsck` on it spew out over 50.000 lines of illegal and
> multiply-claimed block lists, before I terminated it, so no chance.  I'll do
> this over the weekend.  `/home/` etc. are not affected, thanks to being on a
> separate partition.

As of two days later, the machine was
