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A month of the Hurd: *Thanks, Phil!*, *Debian Installer*, *compatibility*, and
*LWN article*.
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text="Details."]][[!toggleable id=full_news text="[[!paste id=full_news]]"]]"""
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> Philip Charles, our 72 years old provider of Debian GNU/Hurd installation CDs
> [has now resigned](http://lists.debian.org/debian-hurd/2010/07/msg00020.html)
> from that position.  This has lead to a flood of [public thank-you
> responses](http://lists.debian.org/debian-hurd/2010/07/msg00020.html#00021),
> and surely yet more of those have been sent privately.  Phil, thanks again
> for providing the many installation images you've started producing [nearly
> ten years ago](http://lists.debian.org/debian-hurd/2000/08/msg00249.html)! --
> oh, the joy of (not) uploading CD-size images using a 56k modem... -- and
> that have been the first choice for many of us to get a [[Debian
> GNU/Hurd|hurd/running/debian]] system installed.

> On the other hand, there's no need to worry about these news: Jérémie Koenig
> got the [Debian Installer for the
> Hurd](http://jk.fr.eu.org/debian/hurd-installer/) into a basically working
> state; there is a simple [four step installation
> guide](http://jk.fr.eu.org/debian/hurd-installer/README.txt).  This brings us
> a big step forward towards easy installation of Debian GNU/Hurd and automated
> image creation.  You can track Jérémie's progress on his [[user
> page|jkoenig]].

> Emilio Pozuelo Monfort also made progress with his Google Summer of Code
> work.  For example, he posted a new iteration of his proposed [changes to
> exec](http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/bug-hurd/2010-07/msg00141.html) as
> well as he added support for [sending file descriptors over Unix
> sockets](http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/bug-hurd/2010-07/msg00145.html).
> These patches add features and improve compatibility to other systems, and
> thus help to get more software packages to work as expected on GNU/Hurd
> systems.

> Ludovic Courtès [fixed `make
> dist`](http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/bug-hurd/2010-07/threads.html#00107),
> which allows for easy tarball creation of the GNU Hurd sources.

> We've been in the news [[last month|2010-06-30]] -- and this month yet again:
> LWN posted a well-researched article on the status of the Hurd: Koen
> Vervloesem: [*The Hurd: GNU's quest for the perfect
> kernel*](http://lwn.net/Articles/395150/).
