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A month of the Hurd: *DDE driver*, *X.org / libpciaccess*, *FOSDEM*, and
*Google Summer of Code 2010*.
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> A bit late, but here it is finally: the *MotH* for February, 2010.

> This month saw the first running and testable 
> [[DDE driver by Zheng Da|user/zhengda]],
> with which he begins to reap the benefits of porting [[DDE]] to the Hurd --
> essentially, allowing us to use current Linux device drivers.

> Samuel Thibault pushed a [libpciaccess x86
> backend](http://cgit.freedesktop.org/xorg/lib/libpciaccess/commit/?id=af2be74979aeab9a2fc4c933462e97ce70f816b6)
> to X.Org:

> > This adds support on x86 for OSes that do not have a PCI interface,
> > tinkering with I/O ports, and makes use of it on GNU/Hurd.

> In the course of this, he also got commit access to X.org, so it should be
> easier now to get further Hurd-related patches applied.

> As announced in our [[previous news blurb|2010-01-31]], at FOSDEM, Bas did
> his presentation of [*Iris, a new capability-based microkernel
> OS*](http://fosdem.org/2010/schedule/events/emb_iris) in the Embedded
> Developer Room, and Olaf illustrated [*Why is Anyone Still Working on the GNU
> Hurd?*](http://fosdem.org/2010/schedule/events/altos_hurd), and presented his
> work of [*Porting KGI graphics drivers from Linux to GNU
> Hurd*](http://fosdem.org/2010/schedule/events/altos_kgi_hurd), in the Alt-OS
> Developer Room.

> In [Mikel Olasagasti's
> words](http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/bug-hurd/2010-03/msg00014.html):

> > The room was full and people was "standing-up" for the talk. Some people
> > even couldn't enter to the room (+20?).
> > 
> > Antrik [Olaf] made a good job. Was nice for the crowd to see Hurd running X,
> > slow but working.

> The regular IRC meeting schedule has been
> [changed](http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/bug-hurd/2010-02/msg00040.html)
> to Wednesdays, 11:00 UTC; see the [[IRC#regular_meetings]] page for details.

> Last, but not least, it is time again to think about the [[Google Summer of
> Code|community/gsoc]].  In [[community/gsoc/2007]], the GNU Hurd had one
> successful project, in [[community/gsoc/2008]] five of them,
> [[community/gsoc/2009]] saw another one, so we obviously plan to make it five
> projects again this year.  We already have [[dozens of
> ideas|community/gsoc/project ideas]] online, and will add yet more -- also
> based on YOUR suggestions and wishes!

> So, if you're a student, and interested in working on the GNU Hurd, please
> join in; browse through the [[community/GSoC]] pages, and don't be shy to
> [[contact us]]!
