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A month of the Hurd: *official Xen domU support*, *DDE*, *porting*, and *FOSDEM 2010*. 
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text="Details."]][[!toggleable id=full_news text="[[!paste id=full_news]]"]]"""
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> This month Samuel Thibault [merged his development branch into GNU Mach's
> master
> branch](http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/bug-hurd/2009-12/msg00058.html) --
> meaning that his [[GNU Mach Xen domU
> port|microkernel/mach/gnumach/ports/xen]] is now part of the official
> sources.  Only the [[microkernel (GNU Mach)|microkernel/mach/gnumach]] needed
> to be extended, and no changes were needed in the Hurd, or glibc code bases.
> He had started this port in 2007 already, but it has been in heavy use over
> the last two years already, so merging it into the main source bases was long
> overdue.

> He also got the necessary Xen patches committed into Xen's unstable branch,
> so that from Xen's 4.0 release on you'll be able to boot GNU/Hurd systems
> using `pv-grub`, without the need to prepare a special bootstrap image (like
> an initrd).

> Of course, running GNU/Hurd systems in other virtualization environments is
> possible too, but the Xen domU approach offers superior performance compared
> to [[hurd/running/QEMU]]'s machine emulation, for example.

> Samuel also spent some time on adding code for [detecting invalid (duplicate)
> port
> deallocations](http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/commit-hurd/2009-12/msg00016.html),
> and started fixing these, as well as he fulfilled his usual share of
> miscellaneous bug fixing.

> The [[DDE]] port of Zheng Da now [passes the first
> tests](http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/bug-hurd/2009-12/msg00060.html),
> bringing us the first steps towards updated device drivers -- and much lower
> overhead for maintaining them.

> Now that the Debian GNU/Hurd build stats are again hosted on the [master
> Debian build machine](https://buildd.debian.org/stats/), Debian developers
> see their packages' build failures more prominently, and quite a few started
> to fix their packages.

> Thus, thanks to the [[hurd/running/debian/porting]] work of mainly Emilio Pozuelo
> Monfort and Pino Toscano, users of the Hurd can get many more packages
> directly via the [[Debian GNU/Hurd|hurd/running/debian]] distribution.
> Thanks to their and the other porters' relentless work, the percentage of
> available Debian packages [has reached
> 66%](https://buildd.debian.org/stats/hurd-i386.txt), rising.  For a specific example,
> they ported many GNOME packages, so that the `gnome-core` metapackage [is
> installable
> again](http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/bug-hurd/2009-12/msg00217.html).
> Please test these and [[report back|mailing lists/debian-hurd]].

> Thomas Schwinge started the planning for [[a GNU Hurd folks meeting at
> FOSDEM|community/meetings/fosdem 2010]] on February 6th/7th 2010 at the
> Université Libre de Bruxelles.

> Guillem Jover jumped in and started [fixing GNU Mach build
> warnings](http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/commit-hurd/2009-12/msg00008.html)
> -- meaning that Thomas Schwinge's evil plan finally worked out, when he
> enabled `-Wall` in an October 2006 commit:
>     +# Yes, this makes the eyes hurt.  But perhaps someone will finally take care of
>     +# all that scruffy Mach code...  Also see <http://savannah.gnu.org/task/?5726>.
>     +AM_CFLAGS += \
>     +       -Wall

> ---

> The GNU Hurd team wishes a pleasant Year 2010 to everyone!
