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A month of the Hurd: *Git migration*, *stand-alone libpthread* and *updated
[[!if test="included()" then="""[[!toggle id=full_news
text="Details."]][[!toggleable id=full_news text="[[!paste id=full_news]]"]]"""
else="[[!paste id=full_news]]"]]

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> This month Thomas Schwinge [finished
> migrating](http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/bug-hurd/2009-06/msg00147.html)
> the main Hurd, GNU Mach, MIG, libpthread and unionfs to Git.  You can find
> the new repositories at <http://git.savannah.gnu.org/cgit/hurd/>.

> Also, he made [libpthread buildable
> stand-alone](http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/bug-hurd/2009-06/msg00166.html)
> by separating its build system from the Hurd's.

> Additionally, Olaf Buddenhagen wrote a usability report about his experience
> with the [[GNU Hurd for everyday work|hurd/status]].