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We are currently finishing the transition from a stdio-based GNU C
Library (glibc) to a libio-based one.  This is the result of about
five months of work we put into getting the system ready and, of
course, the work that the glibc developers did to make glibc what it
This change will have various advantages, for example libio has been
tested more extensively, as it is also used by most GNU/Linux systems
for some time now.  However, it also means a change in the Application
Binary Interface (ABI) of glibc, thus you will need to reinstall an
existing Debian GNU/Hurd system.  Upgrading has not been tested at
all, so better do not expect it to work.  Also note that you will need
to get some of the Debian packages from <A
Please read the recent mailing list archives for details.
<B>Important Note:</B> As another temporary complication, the current
installation tarball is available at <A
HREF="ftp://alpha.gnu.org/gnu/hurd/debian-staging/">a different place</A>
than usual.