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is included in the section entitled

We are pleased to announce version 1.3 of the GNU distribution of the
Mach 3.0 interface generator `MIG'.  It may be found in the file
<SAMP><A HREF="http://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/mig/mig-1.3.tar.gz">http://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/mig/mig-1.3.tar.gz</A></SAMP> (about 145 KB compressed).
Diffs from version 1.2 are in <SAMP><A HREF="http://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/mig/mig-1.2-1.3.diff.gz">http://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/mig/mig-1.2-1.3.diff.gz</A></SAMP>
(about 6 KB compressed, 15 KB uncompressed).  Relative to version 1.2,
version 1.3 contains only some minor fixes.
You need this tool to compile the GNU&nbsp;Mach and Hurd distributions, and
to compile GNU libc for the Hurd.
Bug reports relating to this distribution should be sent to
<A HREF="mailto:bug-hurd@gnu.org">bug-hurd@gnu.org</A>.  Requests for assistance should be made on
<A HREF="mailto:help-hurd@gnu.org">help-hurd@gnu.org</A>.
The md5sum checksum for this distibution is:
45c2b7456727d81dbd75f7152f8136fd  mig-1.3.tar.gz