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DDE implements the Mach device protocol, so it *does* do the ds_ part... but that makes the interrupt notification stuff even more confusing <braunr> hm <braunr> because it provides a ds_device_intr_notify() which will never be used, just to completely implement the interface ? <antrik> yeah, that's what I suspect... <braunr> sounds likely <antrik> the device interface actually has two parts: one for "generic" RPCs on the master device port, and one for device-specific RPCs. DDE implements the latter, and uses the former... <antrik> they live in separate places though I think: the individual device RPCs are implemented in libmachdev, while the intr_ stuff is used in libddekit probably <braunr> it would be hairy to build otherwise <antrik> so we *really* need to know what component npnth gets the error with <antrik> braunr: nah, not really. that's why we always have a separate prefix for the server routines in Hurd RPCs <braunr> right, i really need to read about mig again <antrik> it's pretty normal for a translator to both implement and use an interface # `MACH_SEND_INTERRUPT`/`MACH_RCV_INTERRUPT` [[!tag open_issue_glibc open_issue_gnumach]] ## IRC, freenode, #hurd, 2013-03-22 <braunr> i'm also testing glibc packages on darnassus with a patch that removes the MACH_{SEND,RCV}_INTERRUPT options from mach_msg calls to avoid taking the slow path because of them <braunr> if i got it right, almost every mach_msg call doesn't use any of these options, except for select <braunr> it could slightly improve that, i'm not sure <youpi> but don't we need that to get EINTR ? <braunr> the options are purely userspace <braunr> i'll upload the patch <braunr> http://www.sceen.net/~rbraun/0001-Mask-options-implemented-by-the-userspace-side-of-ma.patch <youpi> ah, ok, you mean userspace already implements what we need ## IRC, freenode, #hurd, 2013-04-23 <braunr> i couldn't measure any difference with the glibc patch that removes the mach_msg interrupt related flags <braunr> which isn't very surprising as it only concerns select as far as i can tell