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[[Mach]] *port*s are [[capabilities|capability]], and are also essentially
similar to [[UNIX]] pipes.  They are unforgeable communication channels,
implemented by kernel queues.

Each port has associated with it one *receive right* and one or more *send
right*s and *send-once right*s.  That is, there is one receiver and one or more
senders -- a unidirectional communication channel.  Only with the corresponding
port right, access to a port is possible; this is enforced by Mach.

The kernel queue can hold a number of [[message]]s.  Once the queue is full,
the send blocks until there is space to enqueue the message (this is
interruptible via a timeout mechanism).

A receive right [[designates|designation]] a queue and authorizes the holder to
dequeue messages from the queue, and to create send and send-once rights.

Send and send-once rights designate a queue and authorize the hold to enqueue
messages (in the case of a send-once right, a single message).  Enqueuing a
message is equivalent to [[invoke|invoking]] a capability.

Ports are automatically destroyed when there is no associated port right to

Mach knows what port rights belong to each task, but [[thread]]s that running
in the context of a task refer to ports by means of send and receive rights
that are named using local *port names*.  These port names are plain integers,
like [[UNIX file descriptors|unix/file_descriptor]].  Only these local names
can be used by [[thread]]s for invoking operations on ports, threads do not
deal with port rights directly.

For that, each task has associated with it a *port address space*, or *port
name space*.  All ports are addressed via this table.  Each task thus has its
own private [[naming_context]] for port rights.

So, the picture is that after obtaining a port send right, the client uses a
port name to send [[message]]s to the port, or exactly one message if it's a
send-once right.  These messages are (probably) queued and when the server task
tries to receive messages by having a [[thread]] use its port receive right, it
gets the message(s).  This is called [[IPC]].

Port rights themselves can be [[delegate]]d in a [[message]], too.  When the
receiver dequeues the message, the right is made available to it.

The delivery of [[message]]s is reliable and strictly ordered.  When a
[[thread]] sends messages *1* and *2*, it is guaranteed that the receiving
[[task]] will catch them in the same order.  Of course, there can be
intermediate messages that are sent by other threads.

Ports are objects that are implemented by the [[kernel]], and they are
kernel-protected resources: they are unforgeable, and there is no way for a
[[task]] to do anything with a port unless it have corresponding port right.

Due to this, ports are globally unique.  This makes them ideal for constituting
system-wide *object references*.  (Fruther reading:
{{$capability#wikipedia_object-capability_model}}.)  For example, the [[RPC]]
system as used by the GNU Hurd works by invoking *methods* on such object
references.  The available methods are defined in [[hurd/interface]] files, and
are processes by the [[MIG]] tool.

Invoking an operation on a port does not transfer the current execution control
to the receiver, but instead is an asynchronous operation.  For this, and
especially in a [[RPC]] system, the sender may include a *reply port* using a
send-once right, and synchronize (block) on that one.

# Port Set

A [[thread]] can only block receiving on a single port.  To work around this,
the concept of a *port set* was introduced.  A receive right can be added to
(at most) one port set.  These port sets look like port receive rights, but
cannot be passed to other tasks, and there are additional operations for adding
and removing port receive rights.

When a server process' thread receives from a port set, it dequeues exactly one
message from any of the ports that has a message available in its queue.

This concept of port sets is also the facility that makes convenient
implementation of [[UNIX's `select` system call|glibc/select]] possible.