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GNU MIG is the GNU distribution of the
[[Mach_3.0_interface_generator_*MIG*|mig]], as maintained by the GNU Hurd
developers for the GNU project.

You need this tool to compile the GNU Mach and GNU Hurd distributions, and to
compile the GNU C library for the Hurd.  Also, you will need it for other
software in the GNU system that uses Mach-based

GNU MIG is fully compatible with [[OSF_MIG|mig]].

Like its predecessor, it can only generate C code, that has to be compiled and
linked to client and server programs respectively ([[!taglink

The latest release is [[GNU MIG 1.4|news/2013-09-27]].

  * [[Building]] - building (and obtaining) GNU MIG
  * [[Open Issues|tag/open_issue_mig]]