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This is a small collection of links to external documents describing the *Mach
Interface Generator* used by GNU Mach.

# MIG and C Thread Programming

A tutorial which demonstrates the use of the C Threads library primitives in
writing a multithreaded program and the use of the Mach Interface Generator
(MIG) to generate remote procedure calls for interprocess communication.  Like
its companion tutorial, it is based on the Mach 2.5 system.  However, the
concepts are applicable to Mach 3.0 user level programming.

Linda R. Walmer and Mary R. Thompson.  *A Programmer's Guide to the Mach User
Environment*.  [PostScript
February 1988.  School of Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University.

An ftp directory containing the [mig programming
for this tutorial.

Slides to Rich Drave's talk on MIG, on November 21, 1991:

# Roots

Mig is an implementation of a subset of the Matchmaker **language**.

"Matchmaker is a language for specifying and automating the generation of
multilingual interprocess communication interfaces.  MIG is an interim
implementation of a subset of the Matchmaker language that generates C and C++
remote procedure call interfaces for interprocess communication between Mach

Richard P. Draves, Michael B. Jones, Mary R. Thompson, *MIG - THE MACH
November 1989.  Department of Computer Science, Carnegie-Mellon University.

# Related Work

See the citations about [Mach and matchmaker: kernel and language support for
objectoriented distributed
systems](http://citeseer.ist.psu.edu/context/93073/0). "M. B. Jones and
R. F. Rashid, *Mach and matchmaker: kernel and language support for
objectoriented distributed systems*, Proceedings of the Conference on
Object-Oriented Programming Systems, Languages, and Applications, October 1986,
pp. 67--77."

# Further Relevant Documentation

  * The [[GNU_Mach_Reference_Manual|gnumach/reference_manual]], espacially
    [Chapter 4, Inter Process

  * OSF's [Server Writer's Guide (ps)](http://www.cs.cmu.edu/afs/cs/project/mach/public/doc/osf/server_writer.ps)
    [Server Writer's Guide (pdf)](http://shakthimaan.com/downloads/hurd/server_writer.pdf)

  * OSF's [Server Writer's Interfaces (ps)](http://www.cs.cmu.edu/afs/cs/project/mach/public/doc/osf/server_interface.ps)
    [Server Writer's Interfaces (pdf)](http://shakthimaan.com/downloads/hurd/server_interface.pdf)

  * Flags:

      * [[dealloc_and_dealloc[]|dealloc]]
      * [[ServerCopy]]

  * MIG *in action*: [[hurd/io_path]].