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  * x86.  This is the main port.

      * [[Xen]]

      * [[open_issues/64-bit_port]].  There is some preliminary work for a
        x86\_64 port.

  * [[open_issues/ARM_port]].  Is not in a usable state.

  * [PowerPC](http://www.pjbruin.dds.nl/hurd/).  Is not in a usable state.

  * Alpha: [project I](http://savannah.nongnu.org/projects/hurd-alpha), and
    [project II](http://savannah.nongnu.org/projects/gnumach-alpha).  Was once
    started, but isn't in a usable state either.

  * MIPS.  Status completely unknown.

  * [[open_issues/Mach_on_Top_of_POSIX]].  Status unknown.