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[[Mach]] is a first-generation [[microkernel]].

Mach's basic abstractions include [[virtual_address_space]]s in the form of
[[task]]s, execution contexts in the form of [[thread]]s, [[IPC]],
[[capabilities|capability]] in the form of [[port]]s, and [[memory_object]]s,
which enable Mach's [[external_pager_mechanism]].

Controlling [[task]]s, their [[virtual_address_space]], [[thread]]s, and other
system objects in Mach is implemented by using [[port]]s, as opposed to other
[[kernel]]s' [[system_call]] interface: almost all of the Mach API is
implemented by sending [[message]]s to [[port]]s.  Device drivers that reside
in kernel space are controlled by ports, too.

Mach's [[API]] is well-[[documented|documentation]].

[[!toggleable id=mach_kernel_principles text="""[[!template id=note

In particular the [[!toggle id=mach_kernel_principles
text="[mach\_kernel\_principles]"]] book further elaborates on Mach's concepts
and principles.