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# Concepts

A [[microkernel]] implements a minimal number of abstractions
that facilitate the realization of operating system services.

[[Mach's_concepts|mach/concepts]] are documented here.

Read OSF's Kernel Principles.  Find it under the
[[mach/documentation]] link.

# Exercises

Mach's API is documented in OSF's Kernel API book.  Find it
under the [[mach/documentation]] link.  Skim it to get an idea
of how the API looks and then try the following exercises:

Send messages using Mach's IPC mechanism
([detailed description](http://walfield.org/pub/people/neal/papers/hurd-misc/mach-ipc-without-mig.txt)).

Implement your own pager.  Write a server that synthesizes
content on the fly and have a client map the object into its
address space and print out the file.