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[[!meta title="Coyotos"]]

[*Coyotos*](http://www.coyotos.org/) is a microkernel and OS and the successor
of [[EROS]], that itself is the successor of [[KeyKOS]].  A more complete
history can be found [here](http://www.coyotos.org/history.html).  Its main
objectives are to correcte some shortcomings of [[EROS]], demonstrate that an
atomic kernel design scales well, and (eventually) to completely formally
verify both the kernel and critical system components by writing them in a new
language called [bitc](http://www.bitc-lang.org/).

Coyotos is an orthogonally [[persistent|persistency]] pure [[capability]]
system.  It uses [[continuation]]-based unbuffered asynchronous [[IPC]]
(actually it's synchronous [[IPC]] with asynchronous [[system calls]]).

TODO: explain these terms and (more important) their consequences on system

The coyotos microkernel specification can be found

There once was the idea of a GNU/Hurd [[port using the Coyotos
microkernel|history/port_to_another_microkernel]], but this didn't come live.