[[img Main/WebPreferences/logo.png alt="[] HURD-Wiki"]]

Welcome to the **new** GNU Hurd wiki!

**There is a huge bunch of unpolished stuff on here, please help us to tidy
things up!**  Comments about how that could be tackled are best posted onto
this page's [[discussion]] subpage.

Copyright notes are missing.  [[Thomas_Schwinge|tschwinge]] is working on
getting them back.  The wiki pages' content should be usable to the conditions
as stated in the [GNU FDL 1.2](http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/fdl.html).  Contact
[[Thomas_Schwinge|tschwinge]] if there are questions.


See [[HowToContributeToThisWiki]] for advice about -- well, you guessed it

All wikis are supposed to have a [[SandBox]], so this one does too.


This site focuses on providing a user-centric and update-able (hopefully the
most current) information possible regarding the status and development of the
GNU project's GNU operating system.  There are many areas to comment on the
core component (the Hurd) and other very closely related but distinct projects.
This is an all volunteer effort intended to supplement the [official Hurd

[[toc ]]

<!-- If you're rendering this page and the output looks garbled from here on,
then you've hit <http://bugs.debian.org/421843>.  Installing the markdown
package from Debian experimental fixed this for me.  -->

## Getting Help

There are a couple of different [[Hurd_FAQs|Hurd/FrequentlyAskedQuestions]].
There are a number of irc channels [[irc_channel|Hurd/HurdIRC]] and several
different [[mailing_lists|Hurd/MailLists]] with searchable archives.

Before asking a question on a mailing list or on irc, first, please try to
answer your own question using a search engine and reading the introductory
information.  If you have done this and you cannot find the answer to your
question, feel free to ask on a mailing list or on irc.

## Running the Hurd

The most functional distribution of the Hurd is the one provided by Debian.
Find more information about it at the
[Debian GNU/Hurd website](http://www.debian.org/ports/hurd/hurd-install).

You can also run the [[Distrib/HurdOnQEMU]].

## What is the Hurd?

The [[Hurd]] is GNU's replacement for the various UNIX and Linux kernels.

The Hurd is firstly a collection of protocols formalizing how different
components may interact.  The protocols are designed to reduce the mutual
[[trust]] requirements of the actors thereby permitting a more
[[extensible|Extensibility]] system.  These include interface definitions
to manipulate files and directories and to resolve path names.  This allows
any process to implement a file system.  The only requirement is that it
have access to its backing store and that the principal that started it
own the file system node to which it connects.

The Hurd is also a set of servers that implement these protocols.  The
servers run on top of [[Mach]] and use Mach's [[IPC]] mechanism to transfer

The word *Hurd* is commonly used to refer to one of the following:

  * the Hurd software that runs on top of a microkernel (most precisely)
  * a machine running the [[Debian_GNU/Hurd|Distrib]] distribution
  * the [GNU Hurd](http://hurd.gnu.org/) project including related dependent
  * HIRD of UNIX Replacing Daemons (arguably)
    * HIRD is an acronym for HURD Interfaces Representing Depth (arguably)

The [[Hurd]] supplies the last major software component needed for a complete
[[GNU]] operating system as originally conceived by Richard M. Stallman (RMS)
in 1983.  The GNU vision directly drove the creation and has guided the
evolution of the [Free Software Foundation](http://www.fsf.org/), the
organization that is the home of the [GNU project](http://www.gnu.org/gnu/).


## Current Status

There has not yet been an official 1.0 release.  The Hurd is developed by a few
volunteers in their spare time.  The project welcomes any assistance you can provide.
Porting and development expertise is still badly needed in many key areas.

Functional systems are installable in a dual-boot configuration.  Development
systems are currently mostly based on the [[Debian_GNU/Hurd|Distrib]] port
sponsored by the [Debian project](http://www.debian.org/).

Community resources for related projects focus around the official website
<http://hurd.gnu.org/>, this site at <http://www.bddebian.com/~wiki/>, the
[[mailing_lists|Hurd/MailLists]] and the [[irc_channel|Hurd/HurdIRC]].


## Can I add some information to the pages here?

Yes, this is very much encouraged!

Please see [[HowToContributeToThisWiki]] for information.

Every page on the site is editable.  Feel free to join in, but we do have some
simple requests.  In an ideal wiki, everyone is equal and shares equal rights,
liberties, responsibilities and common sense.  Please try to match the *tone*
of your topics and edits with the existing topics.  If we all pull in the same
direction the site will be more useful for everyone, especially for our own

## How is this site arranged?

The menu on the upper right corner provides a rough structuring about the
available content.  Just follow those topics and explore the wiki.

Further information about this site and how it was created can be found in the



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