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In August 2010, Jérémie Koenig [published another, new
This can be found in ,
branch *jkoenig/master*.
Testing it is as simple as this:
$ git clone git://git.savannah.gnu.org/hurd/procfs.git
$ cd procfs/
$ git checkout jkoenig/master
$ make
$ settrans -ca proc procfs --compatible
$ ls -l proc/
# Open Issues
[[!tag open_issue_hurd]]
* IRC, #hurd, around September 2010
jkoenig: from a quick read, your procfs implementation seems quite
simple, probably much more what I was expecting from Madhusudan (who probably
now hates you :) )
jkoenig: is it not possible to provide a /proc/self which points at the
client's pid?
(also, shouldn't /proc/version say something else than "Linux"?)
to make linux tools work, no :/
kfreebsd does that too
(kfreebsd, not freebsd)
does kbsd's one print just "Linux version x.y.z" too, or something
more eg in a second line?
(as curiosity)
% cat /proc/version
Linux version 2.6.16 (des@freebsd.org) (gcc version 4.3.5) #4 Sun Dec
18 04:30:00 CET 1977
I had some problems with killall5 to read the pid from /proc, Is
this now more reliable?
I haven't tested with jkoenig's implementation
looks like he did 'self' too, see rootdir_entries[] in rootdir.c
but it doesn't point at self
youpi: there is no way to provide /proc/self, because the server
doesn't know the identity of the client
youpi: using the existing mechanisms, we would need another magic
lookup type
an alternative idea I discussed with cfhammer once would be for the
client to voluntarily provide it's identity to the server... but that would
be a rather fundamental change that requires careful consideration
also, object migration could be used, so the implementation would be
provided by the server, but the execution would happen in the client... but
that's even more involved :-)
but we've seen how much that'd help with a lot of other stuff
I'm not sure whether we discussed this on the ML at some point, or
only on IRC
it "just" needs to be commited :)
in either case, it can't hurt to bring this up again :-)
* IRC, #hurd, around October 2010
the only glitch is that files/dirs have the right user as
owner, but always with root group