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Although there is no standard (POSIX or other) for the layout of the `/proc`
pseudo-filesystem, it turned out a very useful facility in GNU/Linux and other
systems, and many tools concerned with process management use it. (`ps`, `top`,
`htop`, `gtop`, `killall`, `pkill`, ...)

Instead of porting all these tools to use [[libps]] (Hurd's official method for
accessing process information), they could be made to run out of the box, by
implementing a Linux-compatible `/proc` filesystem for the Hurd.

The goal is to implement all `/proc` functionality needed for the various process
management tools to work.  (On Linux, the `/proc` filesystem is used also for
debugging purposes; but this is highly system-specific anyways, so there is
probably no point in trying to duplicate this functionality as well...)

*Status*: Madhusudan.C.S has implemented a new, fully functional [[procfs|madhusudancs]] for
[[GSoC 2008|community/gsoc/2008]].

# [[New Implementation by Jérémie Koenig|jkoenig]]

# Old Implementation from [[open_issues/HurdExtras]]
