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The *proc server* (or, *process server*) implements some aspects of [[Unix]]

It is stated by `/hurd/init`.

# "Unusual" PIDs

[[!tag open_issue_hurd]]

## IRC, freenode, #hurd, 2012-08-10

    <braunr> too bad the proc server has pid 0
    <braunr> top & co won't show it

## IRC, OFTC, #debian-hurd, 2012-09-18

    <pinotree> youpi: did you see
    <pinotree> ?
    <youpi> nope

## IRC, OFTC, #debian-hurd, 2013-06-23

    <teythoon> I've got this idea about the pid 1 issue you mentioned
    <teythoon> can't we just make init pid 1?
    <teythoon> I mean the mapping is rather arbitrary, we could make our init
      pid 2 or something and start sysvs init as pid 1
    <pinotree> not totally sure it is that arbitrary up to the first 4-5 pids
    <teythoon> y is that?
    <pinotree> at least i see in hurd's code that /hurd/init is assumed as
    <teythoon> hurds init that has to stick around for the fs translator sync?
    <pinotree> hurd's init does the basic server startup
    <pinotree> iirc it also takes care of shutdown/reboot
    <teythoon> that's what I meant
    <teythoon> and if it wouldn't have to stick around for the translator sync
      it could just exec sysvinit
    <teythoon> I just think it's easier to patch hurd than to remove the
      assumption that init is pid 1 from sysvinit

## IRC, freenode, #hurd, 2013-09-13

    <braunr> teythoon: also, as a feature request, i'd like the proc server not
      to have pid 0, if you have any time to do that
    <braunr> so it appears in top and friends
    <teythoon> braunr: noted, that should be easy
    <teythoon> not using 0 is probably a good thing, many things use pid 0 as
      something special

# Process Discovery

## IRC, freenode, #hurd, 2013-08-26

    < teythoon> somewhat related, I do not like the way the proc server just
      creates processes for new mach tasks it discovers
    < teythoon> that does not play well with subhurds for example
    < braunr> teythoon: i agree with you on proc process-to-task mapping
    < braunr> that's something i intend to completely rework on propel
    < braunr> in a way similar to how pid namespaces work on linux