Lwip is a lightweight TCP/IP stack, and a google summer of code made it possible to use lwip to replace pfinet.

The lwip translator provides all of the following:

* Support for IPv4 and IPv6
* Support for TCP and UDP
* Support for multiple Ethernet devices
* Support for fsysopts and command-line parameters configuration
* Support to create an IP tunnel which may be used by an OpenVPN client

To configure lwip for internet connectivity, use the
[[`settrans`|settrans]] command, like this:

    # settrans -fgap /servers/socket/2 /hurd/lwip ↩
        -i /dev/eth0 -a -g -m

The argument /server/socket/2 is the node that the translator is to be attached to. This is followed by the translator program to run and any arguments to give it.

There, -i, -a, -g and -m are, quite obviously, the (Mach) device to use, the IP address, the gateway and netmask.

More information can be found on Joan Lledo's blog:

* <http://darnassus.sceen.net/~jlledom/en/>