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# Large Stores

The `ext2fs` translator from the upstream Hurd code base can only handle file
systems with sizes of less than roughly 2 GiB.

[[!tag open_issue_hurd]]

## Ognyan's Work

  * Ognyan Kulev, [[*Supporting Large ext2 File Systems in the
    Hurd*|ogi-fosdem2005.mgp]], 2005, at FOSDEM

  * Ognyan Kulev, [[large_stores]]

  * <http://kerneltrap.org/node/4429>

Ognyan's patch lifts this limitation (and is being used in the
[[Debian_GNU/Hurd_distribution|running/debian]]), but it introduces another
incompatibility: `ext2fs` then only supports block sizes of 4096 bytes.
Smaller block sizes are commonly automatically selected by `mke2fs` when using
small backend stores, like floppy devices.

# Documentation
