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# IRC, freenode, #hurd, 2011-06-01

    <antrik> ugh... I just realized why settrans -a without -f doesn't
      generally work on filesystem translators
    <antrik> obviously, it needs -R too!

# IRC, freenode, #hurd, 2012-08-17

    <antrik> youpi: no, only the -g is redundant; i.e. -ga is the same as -a
    <antrik> (actually, not redundant, but rather simply meaningless in this
    <antrik> -g tells what to do with an active translator *when a passive one
      is changed*
    <antrik> if no passive one is changed, it does nothing
    <antrik> (and I realized that after using the Hurd for only 6 years or so
      ;-) )
    <braunr> it's not obvious
    <antrik> braunr: indeed. it's not obvious at all from the --help output :-(
    <antrik> not sure though how to make it clearer
    <braunr> the idea isn't obvious
    <braunr> perhaps telling that "setting a passive translator" also applies
      to removing it, i.e. setting it to none
    <antrik> braunr: well, the fact that a translator is unset by setting it to
      nothing is unclear in general, not only for passive translator. I agree
      that pointing this out should make things much more clear in general...