[[!meta title="Arch Hurd Live CD"]]

[[Arch Hurd|hurd/running/arch_hurd/]] offers Hurd LiveCDs at <http://www.archhurd.org/download/>.

A less recent Live CD can be found at <http://teythoon.cryptobitch.de/hurd/livecd/hurd-live-install-1273300101.iso.xz>. 

Arch Hurd also offers a QEMU image. It can be run with QEMU via 

    $ wget https://files.archhurd.org/iso/2018.09.28/archhurd-2018.09.28.img.xz
    $ xz -d archhurd-2018.09.28.img.xz
    $ kvm -m 1G -drive cache=writeback,file=archhurd-2018.09.28.img

The .img file is useful for running Arch Hurd in a virtual machine. For hardware installations,
 use the Live CD. When using Arch Hurd in QEMU, the command 'hurd-halt' safely stops the 
emulation (removing the need for '-no-reboot')

To install the Live CD ISO file in QEMU (instead of using the .img file):

    $ wget http://teythoon.cryptobitch.de/hurd/livecd/hurd-live-install-1273300101.iso.xz
    $ xz -d hurd-live-install-1273300101.iso.xz
    $ qemu -m 512 -cdrom hurd-live-install-1273300101.iso

The [[!wikipedia LiveCD]] should be useful for those who want to try out the
Hurd before they commit to installing it on their hard disks.  In addition to
that, the bootable Hurd CDs should enable us to have a native installer instead
of relying on Linux.

* [[RequirementsForLiveCD]]
* [[BuildingHurdLiveCD]]