# <a name="The_GNU_Operating_System"> </a> The GNU Operating System The GNU Operating System, or GNU System as it is more commonly known, will be a complete [[Unix]]-like operating system composed entirely of [free software](http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/free-sw.html). The creation of the GNU System is one of the goals of the [GNU Project](http://www.gnu.org/), which was [launched in 1983](http://www.gnu.org/gnu/initial-announcement.html) by [Richard Stallman](http://www.stallman.org/). ## Resources * [[mailing_lists/gnu-system-discuss]] mailing list ## Download * Extended GNU distribution <http://i-hug.sarovar.org/downloads/GNU/extended/> As of 2013-01, the latest image provided there is from 2006.