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To get [[debugging]] information for glibc, you need to install the
`libc0.3-dbg` package.  At the place [[debugging/GDB]] looks for debugging
symbols by default (`/usr/lib/debug/lib/`), Debian's `libc0.3-dbg` stores only
frame unwind information.  If you want to step into glibc while debugging, you
need to add `LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/lib/debug` to GDB's environment.  If that
still does not work, try `LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/debug/libc.so.0.3` instead.  You
can add to GDB's environment via `set env FOO bar` from the GDB command line.

It seems that this is no longer needed with the Debian glibc 2.5 packages, but
I may as well be wrong.  Have to check that again.