[[!meta title="Debian GNU/Hurd"]] Debian GNU/Hurd is an effort to port the Debian distribution to the Hurd. Around 75% of Debian packages can already be run under Debian GNU/Hurd, which makes it very usable. See the [[Status]] of the Debian port for more information. <!-- I don't know what it means that /etc/mtab -> /proc/mounts, but this is what I could interpret. It was simply a line (h1, for some reason, on this page and it looked out of place. Correct or even delete this if it makes no sense --> One noteable difference in this port, is that `/etc/mtab` -> `/proc/mounts` --- # QEMU Image [[!inline pages=hurd/running/debian/qemu_image raw=yes feeds=no]] --- # Installing - [Installation Instructions](http://www.debian.org/ports/hurd/hurd-install) - [Upgrading K11 or K14 based systems to unstable](http://lists.debian.org/debian-hurd/2007/09/msg00007.html) - [[After_install]] — Do this to get networking, new console and X --- # Contributing - [[Porting]] — Helping with porting packages * [[Patch_submission]] — How to submit patches for build failures - [[Creating_image_tarball]] ### IRC, freenode, #hurd, 2014-02-12 <braunr> hm, there is something weird <braunr> after successfully installing (with the new installer cd), and rebooting, system init fails because fsck can't be run on /home (a separate partition) <braunr> it can't fsck because at that point, /home is already mounted, and indeed the translator is running <braunr> teythoon: any idea what might cause that ? <teythoon> me ? <teythoon> no <braunr> ok <braunr> ah no, actually /home isn't mounted oO <braunr> but fsck still refuses to check it, stating that reason <braunr> hm, /etc/mtab isn't a link to /proc/mounts here, might explain ### IRC, freenode, #hurd, 2014-02-12 <braunr> yes, better with a proper symlink :) <teythoon> good <youpi> Mmm, what is supposed to create that symlink? <teythoon> one debian init script did that at one time <teythoon> i believe they dropped that <youpi> err, but something must be creating it for newer systems <teythoon> good point <braunr> well, except for these small details, everything went pretty smooth <braunr> both on ide and ahci <youpi> it seems /etc/mtab gets created at boot <youpi> (on Linux I mean) <teythoon> youpi: i cannot find the init script, but i'm sure that it was there <youpi> I can't find it either on the installed system... <azeem> maybe pere or rleigh in #debian-hurd can help ### IRC, freenode, #hurd, 2014-02-13 <braunr> 6<--60(pid1698)->dir_lookup ("var/run/mtab" 4194305 0) = 0 3 "/run/mtab" (null) <braunr> looks like /etc/mtab isn't actually used anymore <teythoon> it never was on hurd <tomodach1> braunr: well it is generated i believe from mounted filesystems <tomodach1> if its still around there is a reason for it, like posix compatiblity perhaps? <braunr> well the problem is that, as mentioned in pere's thread on bug-hurd, some tools now expect /var/run/mtab instead of /etc/mtab <braunr> and since nothing currently creates this file, these tools, such as df, are lost <braunr> they can't find the info they're looking for ### IRC, freenode, #hurd, 2014-02-17 <braunr> i still don't have mtab at the proper location on darnassus <pere> is there something missing with sysvinit on hurd? <braunr> is that normal ? <pere> yes. I recommended fixing it in the hurd package. (BTS #737759) <braunr> yes i saw but was there any action taken ? <pere> did not check <teythoon> i thought youpi mentioned that it is fixed in the libc and we just need to rebuild coreutils or something <pere> yes <braunr> oh ok <braunr> but doesn't that mean it will use /etc/mtab ? <pere> if I was a hurd porter, I would fix it in hurd while waiting for a fix in coreutils, just to save people for wondering about the breakage, but I am not the most patient of developers. :) --- # Externel * Official page about the Debian GNU/Hurd port: [Debian GNU/Hurd](http://www.debian.org/ports/hurd/) * Debian [[FAQ]] — Frequently Asked Questions * [Presentation](http://people.debian.org/~mbanck/talks/hurd_lt2004/html/) -Debian GNU/Hurd*, [[MichaelBanck]], LinuxTag 2004 Karlsruhe * [Archive Qualification](http://wiki.debian.org/ArchiveQualification/hurd-i386) * [[!wikipedia Debian_GNU/Hurd]] on Wikipedia