[[!meta title="Debian GNU/Hurd"]] Debian GNU/Hurd is an effort to port the Debian distribution to the Hurd. Around 75% of Debian packages can already be run under Debian GNU/Hurd, which makes it very usable. See the [[Status]] of the Debian port for more information. One noteable difference in this port, is that `/etc/mtab` -> `/proc/mounts` ## QEMU Image [[!inline pages=hurd/running/debian/qemu_image raw=yes feeds=no]] # Installing - [Installation Instructions](http://www.debian.org/ports/hurd/hurd-install) - [Upgrading K11 or K14 based systems to unstable](http://lists.debian.org/debian-hurd/2007/09/msg00007.html) - [[After_install]] — Do this to get networking, new console and X # Contributing - [[Porting]] — Helping with porting packages * [[Patch_submission]] — How to submit patches for build failures - [[Creating_image_tarball]] ### IRC, freenode, #hurd, 2014-02-12 hm, there is something weird after successfully installing (with the new installer cd), and rebooting, system init fails because fsck can't be run on /home (a separate partition) it can't fsck because at that point, /home is already mounted, and indeed the translator is running teythoon: any idea what might cause that ? me ? no ok ah no, actually /home isn't mounted oO but fsck still refuses to check it, stating that reason hm, /etc/mtab isn't a link to /proc/mounts here, might explain ### IRC, freenode, #hurd, 2014-02-12 yes, better with a proper symlink :) good Mmm, what is supposed to create that symlink? one debian init script did that at one time i believe they dropped that err, but something must be creating it for newer systems good point well, except for these small details, everything went pretty smooth both on ide and ahci it seems /etc/mtab gets created at boot (on Linux I mean) youpi: i cannot find the init script, but i'm sure that it was there I can't find it either on the installed system... maybe pere or rleigh in #debian-hurd can help ### IRC, freenode, #hurd, 2014-02-13 6<--60(pid1698)->dir_lookup ("var/run/mtab" 4194305 0) = 0 3 "/run/mtab" (null) looks like /etc/mtab isn't actually used anymore it never was on hurd braunr: well it is generated i believe from mounted filesystems if its still around there is a reason for it, like posix compatiblity perhaps? well the problem is that, as mentioned in pere's thread on bug-hurd, some tools now expect /var/run/mtab instead of /etc/mtab and since nothing currently creates this file, these tools, such as df, are lost they can't find the info they're looking for ### IRC, freenode, #hurd, 2014-02-17 i still don't have mtab at the proper location on darnassus is there something missing with sysvinit on hurd? is that normal ? yes. I recommended fixing it in the hurd package. (BTS #737759) yes i saw but was there any action taken ? did not check i thought youpi mentioned that it is fixed in the libc and we just need to rebuild coreutils or something yes oh ok but doesn't that mean it will use /etc/mtab ? if I was a hurd porter, I would fix it in hurd while waiting for a fix in coreutils, just to save people for wondering about the breakage, but I am not the most patient of developers. :) # Externel * Official page about the Debian GNU/Hurd port: [Debian GNU/Hurd](http://www.debian.org/ports/hurd/) * Debian [[FAQ]] — Frequently Asked Questions * [Presentation](http://people.debian.org/~mbanck/talks/hurd_lt2004/html/) -Debian GNU/Hurd*, [[MichaelBanck]], LinuxTag 2004 Karlsruhe * [Archive Qualification](http://wiki.debian.org/ArchiveQualification/hurd-i386) * [[!wikipedia Debian_GNU/Hurd]] on Wikipedia